Birdwatching in Tena

The Common birds to be found when you are Birdwatching in Tena. Tena is an Amazonian valley bathed by hundreds waterwalls of the rivers. All Rivers are connected to the well being of the forest around. The birding destinations are near Tena here are ready to go birding. TinamiformesTinamidaeGreat TinamouTinamus major GalliformesCracidaeSpeckled ChachalacaOrtalis guttata ColumbiformesColumbidaeRuddy […]

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The Napo eBird Field Checklist: Best Birdwatching Experience in Ecuador

The Napo eBird Field Checklist Best Birdwatching Experience in Ecuador

The Napo eBird Field Checklist: Best Birdwatching Experience in Ecuador. The Napo eBird Checklist is one of the most diverse in the country with 1,065 species and continues growing! -please check it from time to time. The Napo Drainage has a wide range of ecosystems, each one with a particular set of natural conditions where […]

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Ecuador Global Big Day -most important Birding

Ecuador Global Big Day

Join Ecuador Global Big Day, the most important Birding Day! The Ecuador Global Big Day is Huge Birding tradition among birders, birdwatchers and nature lovers. Many locations in the country, local birders and community go out to count birds and support this important Conservation Initiative through Citizen Science. The Global Big Day organized by the […]

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Ecuador Hummingbird Feeder Experience

Ecuador Hummingbird Experience

Watch Ecuador Hummingbird Feeder Experience from Quito. The Ecuador Hummingbird Feeder Experience gets you close to the special family of birds in South America. We start heading Northwest to the Choco in Ecuador, then we drive to Eastern Cloudforest spotting for explorations in the High in the Andes for specific species of hummingbirds living here. […]

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